
sleeping monsters.

sometimes when i speak, i realize it is a hiss of a whisper; a wolf baiting a lamb to wander away from the watchful eye of a shepherd. then sometimes when i speak, there is only empathy and love. it is a dangerous balance of my humanity and the monster buried beneath it; it claws, this monster, for release. i keep it at bay by sheer will and desire to be something bigger than that. i come with only love, it comes with only pain.

keep the monster inside. keep the monster inside. keep the monster inside.

this monster keeps me sick, i cannot destroy it, merely arrest it. for now it sleeps.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The best way to subdue the monster is to talk with it and understand it. A wise man once said that the way to cure a sickness is to walk with it and spend time with it. The more you understand your monster, which I already know you understand quite well, the less you'll have to fight to keep it from wanting to claw its way out. Having good friends helps too, and I think you do have some good friends.

I like this blog you have here. Call me if you want to catch up sometime.